An amazing collection of red passionate roses in wrapped bouquet along with a tasting box of delicious Ferrero Rocher chocolates truffles. Perfect to surrender your loved one with this gorgeous gift.
ITEM: 12 Red roses bouquet with Ferrero Rocher chocolates box.
R$ 404.75 Ex Tax: R$ 404.75 3x de R$ 134.92 sem juros nos cartões
R$ 594.28 Ex Tax: R$ 594.28 3x de R$ 198.09 sem juros nos cartões
R$ 349.89 Ex Tax: R$ 349.89 3x de R$ 116.63 sem juros nos cartões
R$ 349.89 Ex Tax: R$ 349.89 3x de R$ 116.63 sem juros nos cartões